Gujiya is an Indian sweet dumpling made with flour and stuffed with khoya (dried whole milk) and dry or moist coconut. This sweet dumpling has different names, like Karanji, Ghughra, Karachika, Kajjikayi, Nevris and Pedakiya. This is very high in calories and it is made mostly during festivals like Diwali, Ganesh Chaturti and Holi.
1. All purpose flour/maida - 1 cup
2. Koya/kova/dried milk cake - 1 cup. (or 2 litres of milk boiled to thickening consistency)
3. Desiccated coconut - 1/4 cup. (optional)
4. Sugar - 1/2 cup (sweetness on a lesser side)
5. Dry fruits crushed (almonds, raisins, cashews, pistachios) - 1/4 cup.
6. Semolina/sooji - 1/4 cup
7. Ghee/refined oil for frying.
For Garnishing:
1. Sugar - 1/2 cup
2. Water - 1/2 cup
3. Dry fruits - 1/2 tsp.
4. Saffron - 1/4 tsp.
Cooking Method:
1. In a bowl, mix together all purpose flour and 2 tbsp ghee, and add water to make a dough. Keep it aside.
3. Dry roast the semolina and keep it aside.
4. In a bowl, mix koya granules, semolina, desiccated coconut, sugar and dry fruits. Keep aside this mixture.
5. In a small bowl take 2 tsp of flour and lil water to make a sealing to the gujias.
6. Take the dough and make equal size balls and roll this flat and fill the stuffing into it and fold this into half moon shape sealing it with the liquid we have made. Fold the corner edges.
7. Heat the ghee or oil in the deep frying pan.
8. Once you have made all of the gujias deep fry in the ghee/oil.
9. The gujias are ready, you can have it this way too, but if you want to garnish them then heat the 1/2 cup sugar and 1/2 cup water and bring it to boil until the syrup is one thread consistency.
10. Dip the fried gujias in this syrup and remove them and place it on a cool rack.
11. Garnish the sugar coated gujias with nuts and saffron.
* To get the kova/dry milk powder, boil the milk to the extent that small granules are formed (takes some time). It should be totally dried.
*The gujias can be folded and sealed with the help of the gujia maker/mould, which is available in the market.
* The gujias should be fried on medium or low heat.